The sudden demise of former wide receiver Mike Williams, renowned for his impactful tenure with Syracuse and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, came as a shock as reports linked his...
Patients have been expressing gratitude to dental professionals in unexpected ways, from chocolates and flowers to homegrown vegetables, a recent survey revealed. The Dental Defence Union (DDU) conducted a...
New research has brought forth an innovative approach involving physiotherapy for orthopaedic patients, significantly trimming the surgery waitlist by a staggering 75 per cent. This pilot program, initially set...
Willis-Knighton Health System introduces cutting-edge technology into its operating rooms, bringing science fiction into reality. They have implemented the HipInsight™ System, an FDA-approved augmented reality (AR) guidance platform for...
EMBL Hamburg, in collaboration with Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Postnova Analytics GmbH, and BioNTech SE, has pioneered a groundbreaking method that sheds light on the intricacies of mRNA pharmaceuticals...
A recent study on AI-assisted diagnosis tools for X-ray imaging has spotlighted their remarkable efficiency and potential in reducing missed fractures. Presented at the 2023 Radiological Society of North...
A recent report by Allied Market Research made waves, highlighting the exponential growth of the Digital Pathology Market in the US, scaling a whopping $735.75 million in 2020 and...
Owkin, a biotech powerhouse blending French finesse with American innovation, has struck a collaboration chord with MSD, also known as Merck & Co. Inc. This duo aims to revolutionize...
Altoida, a frontrunner in harnessing augmented reality and machine learning for neurological conditions, recently unveiled groundbreaking results from the RADAR-AD consortium study. This study, featured in Nature Digital Medicine,...
The opening of the new £15 million intensive treatment unit at Croydon University Hospital marks a significant milestone in enhancing critical care services for the community. The unit, with...